Lack of access to secure use of land and rental land is perhaps one cause for the expansion or ongoing formation of so-called slums in urban areas in the global south, which are often located in risky areas and on vulnerable land, such as on areas of hills or on the edge of contaminated canals. These spaces have been allocated (often without approval) to populations who live in conditions of poverty and who, for various reasons, have been migrating from the countryside to the city. The geographical characteristics of these territories, highly populated and without the assistance of basic services to lead a dignified and safe life in the city, causes various problems such as that which has been lived in the city of São Paulo on February 9, 2020. Many homes and lives were lost due to landslides caused by heavy rains in slums that were located on hills. The formal city population argues that these populations choose these types of territories to settle, placing themselves at risk. This places the responsibility for the unequal distribution of urban land on the poorest populations, without reflecting on the origin of this distribution and experiences, in terms of access to urban land, of these populations.
For this reason we have proposed a dialogue to reflect on these inequalities between panelists, in order to share their experiences on the subject due to their active participation in issues related to the inequalities that are lived in cities of the southern hemisphere and the colonized world.
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