On Monday 11th , the CGIAR centers and the IFAD Land Tenure Desk will jointly host a Learning Event on “Strengthening Land and Natural Resources Governance” , 4 CGIAR centers will join us: the International Food Policy Research Institute- IFPRI, the Center for International Forestry Research- CIFOR , the International Livestock Research Institute- ILRI and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas-ICARDA.
The panellists will share lessons learned, results and insights form their applied researches and their support to IFAD investments within the larger CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM). The PIM Program works to assist key actors in agrifood systems to understand and act on the reforms needed to accomplish these objectives. In particular, Flagship 5 of the PIM Programme on “Governance of Natural Resources” seeks to identify actions that can strengthen tenure rights of poor and marginalized people, particularly women, and communities; improve governance of natural resources; and enhance constructive interaction of resource users within shared landscapes. The panellists will examine the following questions:
Ø How research can better inform project design and implementation and vice versa?
Ø What are the drivers and consequences of tenure insecurity?
Ø What mechanisms and institutional arrangements can address threats to tenure security and strengthen tenure over land, water, and other natural resources?
Ø How to reconcile the interests of different actors sharing a common landscape and secure the livelihoods of women, youth, and other poor and vulnerable groups?
Ø How can a better understanding of political economy processes contribute to more equitable outcomes for the poorest users?
Ø What tools and indicators can be used to assess tenure security and create accountability for implementation of reforms?
The Learning Event will include a long session of Q&A and discussion with IFAD colleagues and key partners attending in person or from the webinar
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