Vol. 10, n°3 | Décembre 2019
Land tenure in the Mediterranean : a north and south dichotomy ?
- Otmane Tayeb
From water ownership to land ownership : change of logic in access to agricultural land in the south-west of the algerian sahara
Le cas de l’agglomération de Skikda
Land use planning and Periurban agricultural areas in Algeria
A Case study of the Skikda conurbation
A Case study of the Skikda conurbation
Access to land and transhumance in Greece : common good and social conflicts
L’exemple de Montpellier
The land arrangements for farmland access on urban fringes
A case study in Montpellier (France)
A case study in Montpellier (France)
Relationship between property and use of agricultural land: the case of the area of Pisa (Tuscany)
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