Land is often a critical aspect of conflict: it may be a root cause or trigger conflicts, or may become an issue as the conflict progresses. Conflicts lead to forced evictions; the people who are displaced by conflict need somewhere to live, often leading to further disputes over the use of land and other resources.
This publication shows how addressing land issues can mitigate conflict, facilitate solutions to it, and improve the likelihood that people can return to their homes after the violence is over. It draws on cases in nine countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America with a range of conflict parties: farmers, herders, landlords, villagers, mining companies, host communities, displaced people, gangs, and various levels of government. The cases and analysis describe how various land-related approaches have been used throughout the conflict cycle, from conflict prevention through humanitarian assistance, recovery and development. While each conflict is different, the emphasis is on practical methods that can be adapted to suit the situation.
Read the report here.
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