TerraProject Photographers is a collective of documentary photographers founded in Italy in 2006. This collective presents a new exhibition « Land Inc ».
Land Inc is a journey across Brazil, Dubai, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Madagascar, the Philippines and Ukraine to document what some define as a form of neocolonialism, and others as a chance for development: land grabbing and the growing investments in industrial farming and plantations. In 2009 we first learnt about the impact of the previous year’s food crisis on changes in government and private sector investment strategies. Countries that relied on imports to satisfy internal food demand began acquiring or leasing fertile land from other nations to cycle food back to their internal markets, while private investors saw food and biofuel production as a new and booming source of profit. This rush for fertile lands had a series of repercussions in the affected countries. Indigenous people and farmers started to get displaced, losing access to their only source of livelihood. Monocultural large estates began replacing small-scale farms, reducing the biodiversity of locally grown crops. And with the expansion of the biofuel market, land and water started to get increasingly utilized to cultivate non-food crops. In many cases, this phenomenon also had environmental impacts, such as deforestation, pollution and control over water resources
The exhibiton takes place in Milan, from the 3rd of July to the 1rt of September 2015
More informations here
Source : farmlandgrab
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